Option 1 - Use Craigslist.
The past two weeks have been an exciting time searching for accommodation. During our search, we have been touring around houses all over and some have been been very uninviting to say the least. A short description of what was 'cute little house in the suburbs with den with a view' turned out to be 'horrible, caged window flat above basement with a small 2m by 1.5m shelter overlooking a row of caged houses'.
Despite being qualified and trained in Karate and Taekwondo, both of us fled holding on tight to our lives. (no photos to show.. needless to say, we didn't even dare bring out our camera and heavily concerned that possibility of doing so would have resulted in a tug-of-war)
Second option - try living in a Thai temple in Washington DC should all fail.
A Thai lady at the World Bank had kindly suggested this when I told her that I had checked out of the hotel with no further options. You should have seen Jorge's face when I introduced the possibility of him sleeping on a wooden floor and waking up at 5 in the morning to do prayers. :) Personally, I would have done so in less than a heart's beat, just to see how the experience would have turned out for him. Suffice to say, the early morning meditation classes and vegetation meals were not enough to entice Jorge ..
Third option - Whilst site seeing, we found a cute Native American Teepee by the Capital.
Eversince childhood, I had been very fond of the Native Americans whilst watching movies about their adventures, and always wanted to try out a Teepee. I had finally got my break!! It even came along with a portable loo!!

'Picky Portugese' didn't like it. This was not going to hold by Jorge's ever high standard so we finally moved to a more civilised setting. Enter 1500 Massachusetts' Avenue...

Hurray, a home at least till the end of our internship. Our place comes with a fantastic view of the city too!! Also, amazingly enough, we found more Portuguese and World Bank folks living in the building.
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